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Carer Positive Employers support members of staff with caring responsibilities.

Benefits include reducing staff absences and making huge savings on recruitment costs.

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What is Carer Positive?

Carer Positive aims to encourage employers to create a supportive working environment for carers in the workplace.

Unfortunately many carers give up work because the job of juggling their work and caring responsibilities simply becomes too much. Supporting carers to manage the sometimes difficult job of balancing work with caring responsibilities can deliver real benefits to employers as well as helping individuals and their families.

A carer is someone who provides unpaid care by looking after an ill, frail or disabled family member, friend or partner.

The Carer Positive award is presented to employers in Scotland who have a working environment where carers are valued and supported. Carer Positive employers recognise the importance of retaining experienced members of staff, reducing absence, and cutting down on avoidable recruitment costs.